This book is 252 pages in size, and contains the following: - All of the over 1000 obverse and reverse engravings of coins and tokens found in P.N. Breton?s 1894 guide. - All of the 198 original pages of this guide have been reproduced, with 54 pages added for pricing and for a Breton Number look-up index. - The Breton numbering system used by collectors and dealers for referencing pre 20 thcentury Canadian coins. - 400 engravings of 207 different medals. - The prices paid for coins, tokens and medals in 1912. - Pricing for Breton coins and tokens taken from the 7th Edition of the Professional Edition Price Guide for Canadian Coins by Brookstone Publishing, arranged in ascending by order of Breton Numbers. - An index to assist with matching a Breton Number to a Breton Token Soft cover, 8.25x5.24
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