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Australia One Dollar Dollar - Dansco Coin Album 7339

Item #: 24800
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Price: $41.56
    Points to Purchase:1663
    You Save: $10.39 (20.0%)
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    Usually ships In 2 - 4 Weeks
    ETA Date: 5/14/2019

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    Dansco Australia One Dollar Dollar Coin Album

    • Coin Viewing From Both Coin Sides
    • Protective Slides Hold Coins In Place

    Dansco Coin Album
    Australia One Dollar
    Dansco Album Model 7339
    Page Contents
    Inside Cover Blank
    Page 1 1984 Kangaroo, 1985 Kangaroo, 1986 Peace, 1987 Kangaroo
    1988 Bicentenary, 1989 Kangaroo, 1990 Kangaroo, 1991 Kangaroo
    1992 Barcelona Olympics, 1993 Landcare Plain, 1993 Landcare Canberra, 1993 Landcare Sydney
    1993 Landcare Melbourne, 1994 Kangaroo, 1994 Dollar Decade Canberra, 1994 Dollar Decade Sydney
    Page 2 1994 Dollar Decade Melbourne, 1995 Kangaroo, 1995 Waltzing Matilda Canberra, 1995 Waltzing Matilda Canberra
    1995 Waltzing Matilda Brisbane, 1995 Waltzing Matilda Melbourne, 1996 Henry Parkes Plain, 1996 Henry Parkes Canberra
    1996 Henry Parkes Sydney, 1996 Henry Parkes Brisbane, 1996 Henry Parkes Brisbane, 1996 Henry Parkes Adelaide, 1996 Henry Parkes Melbourne
    1997 Kingsford Smith Rev Large Head, 1997 Kingsford Smith Canberra, 1997 Kingsford Smith Sydney, 1997 Kingsford Smith Brisbane
    Page 3 1997 Kingsford Smith Adelaide, 1997 Kingsford Smith Melbourne, 1998 Kangaroo, 1998 Howard Florey Canberra
    1998 Howard Florey Sydney, 1998 Howard Florey Brisbane, 1998 Howard Florey Adelaide, 1998 Howard Florey Melbourne
    1999 Kangaroo, 1999 Int. Year Older Persons, 1999 Anzac Canberra, 1999 Anzac Sydney
    1999 Anzac Brisbane, 1999 Anzac Adelaide, 1999 Anzac Melbourne, 2000 Kangaroo
    Page 4 2000 H.M.A.S. Sydney Canberra, 2000 H.M.A.S. Sydney Sydney, 2000 Olymphilex Canberra, 2000 Olymphilex Sydney
    2000 Victoria Cross, 2001 Kangaroo, 2001 Federation, 2001 Int. Year of the Volunteer
    2001 Army, 2001 Air Force, 2001 Navy, 2002 Outback
    2003 Volunteers, 2003 Vietnam Vets, 2003 Korean War
    Page 5 Sixteen unlabeled coin holders.
    Inside Cover Blank

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