3 Coin Tools For The Avid Collector

A true coin collector doesn't simply throw their collection in a shoe box and keep it on the shelf. For those of us serious about the hobby, obtaining the proper materials is half of the game. The three most important areas of concern for the avid collector are acquisition, display, and storage. Your valuable collection must be carefully protected in each of these situations. The proper handling, storage, and display media are vital in maintaining a collection. 


The most challenging part of coin collecting may be finding higher quality coins in circulation, where they have had no protection at all. If you are lucky enough to find them, gloves and a few simple envelopes for temporary transport can save you the embarrassment of scratched coins.


Options for displaying coin collections range from simple and cost effective to elaborate and stylish. Your least valuable examples can be displayed very economically in simple 2x2 staple flips. But your most prized possessions might best be treated as if they were a Purple Heart you are showing to trusted friends. For these coins a more elegant (and more protective) choice might be an aluminum, wooden, or leatherette display case.


Storage has two components, convenience and availability. You need your coins to be easily viewable, and you need them to be conveniently stored in secure, manageable containers. Choose whatever media suit your collection best from binders, folders, or tailor-made quantity-focused boxes.

The impressive array of these and other tools at Coin Supply Express is the widest selection on the Web. Treat your collection with the pride and distinction it deserves. Choose from the finest in supplies at Coin Supply Express.



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