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Challenge Coin Boxes

Challenge coins separate you from everyone else. Whether you are an accomplished firefighter, a successful police officer, a man or woman who served our country with pride, or anything in between you deserve to display your beautiful coins with pride.
Our challenge coin display boxes will protect and preserve the beauty of your coins for years to come so that you will be able to show off the same coin that you earned or inherited. We have single challenge coin displays to accommodate several sizes including larger coins such as the popular 1 3/4 inch or the 2" inch challenge coins.
Your bulk challenge coin display needs can be met by using our premium challenge coin display box, which can be hung on a wall in your office or your home. We proudly support our men and women in uniform.

If you are looking to award single challenge coins at an event or graduation, we have great offers on single challenge coin displays that can be bought in bulk with free shipping always included over 99$.
We have boxes available in wood, velvet, and glass top forms which will all last for years and years to come. In addition to the different materials used to create this challenge coin displays we also have displays for single coins, two coins, three coins, and some up to 48 coins so feel free to browse our site to make sure that you are getting the elegant challenge coin display box that is right for you. Please call and ask us which Challenge Coin display would work best for you at 1-800-503-6461 or email us at for more information.