I'm not going to review each product separately but the coin folders I ordered were just as I expected. I have used these before and they seem adequate for my purpose. I would like to order some more folders that don't seem to be available at present. Namely those for Barber dimes, Barber Quarters and Barber Half dollars. If you get these products, let me know, I would be interested in them.
I like them I had no problem with this company Only thing could be better is shorter time on the. Shipping. It a week to get my order.
Perfect for the young grand kids.
I just started coin collecting a few months ago. I have to admit, I'm out of control! The more I learn, the more varieties of coins I want to collect. Coin Supply Express is my go-to place for folders, tubes, and other supplies. I love Whitman folders. They seem to work best for me. I have gotten a couple orders already and I'm putting another one together. They have just what I need, their prices are great and their shipping is fast!
The Lincoln Cents book from 1941 to 1974 will not accommodate my pennies. The other penny books will accommodate my pennies. Very frustrating! How does that happen that the book has holes too small for the coin?