This was my first transaction with CoinSupplyExpress, and I was fully satisfied. The shipment was quick and in time for my grandson's 10th birthday party. The product was well-protected during shipment. Updates were timely. Would use them again.
I was impressed with the quality and professional look of the Whitman Classic Franklin Half Dollar Album. It was much better than the Littleton Mercury Dime album I purchased from a different coin supply vendor ..... that album was cumbersome to use in terms of easily turning the pages and the coins sunk too deeply in the opening making them more difficult to see. But the Whitman album that I bought from was very user friendly and beautifully displays the coins Thanks
You had it. I bought it. You sent it. I got it. End of review.
Durable album and the coins fit in the openings just like a glove.
As a returning customer, I can say that they are consistently 5 star.