"The beloved Benjamin Franklin, who appears on this coin, was a world-famous writer, philosopher, and statesman who did much to shape the United States during its birth as a nation. He is the first person shown on a modern United States coin who did not serve as president. This coin, along with the Roosevelt dime, was designed by Mint engraver John R. Sinnock. His initials, JS, appear just below the truncation of the bust in small letters. The Liberty Bell on the reverse side was adapted from the sesquicentennial of American independence commemorative half dollar of 1926, also engraved by Sinnock and modeled from a sketch by John Frederick Lewis. In keeping with U.S. law, an eagle was also incorporated into the design." - Whitman Publishing
Designer: John R. Sinnock Weight:12.50 grams Composition: 90% silver, 10% copper ( net weight .36169 oz. pure silver ) Diameter: 30.6 mm Edge: Reeded Mints: Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco
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