It's thin cardboard but it's sturdy feels like wood
These boxes are very sturdy. I have about 80 rolls that I needed to store and the boxes worked perfectly. This is an excellent option.
I purchased 6 storage boxes. 1 cent box holds 50 tubes, 1 nickel box holds 50 tubes, 1 dime box holds 50 tubes, 2 Small Dollar Box tubes holds 40 tubes each, 1 Large Dollar Box holds 25 tubes. I have to say these are very well built storage boxes and with the price you can't go wrong. Excellent Boxes for all size coins.
I found these to be a great vehicle to organize my penny folder operation. I have categorized each year in order ro build a library of coins. I am able to include an entire decade and up to five tubes across for each....Very nice, sturdy boxes. When I get new folders in I can grab a box and fill in each decade allowing me to finish these folders off quickly. Thanks
A study , cardboard box with dividers to hold 25 tubes. I bought this after filling my first box which held the same number of tubes but had die cut openings instead of dividers. This box is smaller but accomplishes the same purpose.